enchanting bhutan

Nature of program:
Trekking: Merak Sakten Trekking ( All walking no cars, Things will be car-ried on the horses)
Duration : 8 days
Max Elevation: 3480 M
Difficulty : Moderate
Start: Challing; End: Phongmey

Cultural Tour:
Sightseeings from East to West of BhutanVisit Dzongs, Monastries, Lhakhangs, Museums, Textiles houses and sightseeing from east to West of Bhutan

Festival Tour:
Paro Tshechu starts from 31st March 2015 till 4th April 2015.
It is held in Paro Dzong with the mask dance performed by the monks of Paro. On the last day of the Tshechu a large Thanka of Guru Rimpoche is being dis-played so that people get blessings from it.

Total time: 19 Nights and 20 Days.
Number of days of walk: 7days
Accommodation: Camping, hotel, home-stay
Dates: 17th March 2015 till 3rd April 2015;
Price: $ 4790 Tour in Bhutan only.

Day 1 ( 17th March 2015 ): Arrive at Samdrup-Jongkhar (250m)
Day 2 ( 18th March 2015 ): Drive to Trashi Gang (180 Km). 1070 m
Day 3 ( 19th March 2015 ): Trek Starts here.Hike to Damnonchu (3070 m), 7 Hours walk.
Day 4 ( 20th March 2015 ):Trek to Merak (3480 m), 5 hours walk.
Day 5 ( 21st March 2015 ): Trek to Miksa-teng (2850 M), 7-8 Hours walk.
Day 6 ( 22nd March 2015 ): Sakten (2985 m) 3-4 hours walk.
Day 7 ( 23rd March 2015 ) Halt at Sakten:
Day 8 ( 24th March 2015 ) Trek to Jyongkhar; (1850 m) 6-7 hours walk.
Day 9 ( 25th March 2015 ) Trek to Phongmay (1812 m) and then drive to Mon-gar (1600 M) 91 Km drive.
Day 10 ( 26th March 2015 ) Drive to Bumthang ( 2580 m) 193 Km drive.
Day 11 ( 27th March 2015): Halt in Bumthang; Pilgrimage Tour.
Day 12( 28th March 2015): Drive to Wangdue-Phodrang via Trongsa and Pele-la Pass.
Day 13 ( 29th March 2015); Drive to Thimphu ( 2320 M) 76 Km drive.
Day 14 ( 30th March 2015); Halt in Thimphu, Sight-seeing;
Day 15 ( 31st March 2015 )
Day 16 ( 1st April 2015);
Day 17( 2nd April 2015); Halt in Paro.
Day 18( 3rd April 2015), Paro
Day 19 ( 4th April 2015), Day of Throngdrel ( A big Thanka )
Day 20 ( 3rd April 2015) Depature.
Day 1 ( 17th March 2015 ): Arrive at Samdrup-Jongkhar (250m) and it is 101 Km, 2 hour drive from Gowahati.
You will be received by our guide and enter the country at Samdrup Jongkhar which is the boarder area of Bhutan and India.you have to collect the stamp in your passport from the Bhutanese traditional gate and enter the country.The night will be in a hotel.
Day 2 ( 18th March 2015 ): Drive to Trashi Gang (180 Km). 1070 m
After breakfast we will drive upward to Trashigang. We will pass through the town of Dewathang, Tshelingkhor, Wamrong, Khaling, Kanglung and then reach Trashigang. We will cross through the fields of corns and potatoes. The night will be in a hotel Deothjung or similar.

Day 3 ( 19th March 2015 ): Trek Starts here.Hike to Damnonchu (3070 m), 7 Hours walk.
After breakfast we will drive along a feeder road through village of Challing where the trek starts. It is a steady climb on a slippery footpath through forest.We will pass through Mindrula pass (10880 ft). The lunch will be served nearby. then we will walk to reach Damnonchu (3070 m) where we have our camp.

Day 4 ( 20th March 2015 ):Trek to Merak (3480 m), 5 hours walk.
The trail leads through a series of gentle ups and downs along a stream. Then we will ascend into the village of Merak. We will have a beautiful views of the mountains and the village. Camp will be just before the village. We will be wel-comed by the Merak people.They will offer you with the local wine (aara) and the beaten maize. In return we will have to tips them.

Day 5 ( 21st March 2015 ): Trek to Miksa-teng (2850 M), 7-8 Hours walk.
After breakfast the trek starts. The route will take us through the Nachung la pass and then the route descends to a river. The lunch will be served nearby a river. We will follow a river for sometime and then have a steep for sometime to reach Miksa-teng. The camp will be surrounded by rhododendrons. Expect a warm welcome from the local with the local wine and some edible stuffs.

Day 6 ( 22nd March 2015 ): Sakten (2985 m) 3-4 hours walk.
It will be an easy day walk through the beautiful woods. If you are lucky we will see a red panda along the ways. The campsite will be on the side of the village where we can view the beauty of the village and the mountains. You will enjoy the amazing culture of the local people.

Day 7 ( 23rd March 2015 ) Halt at Sakten:
We will halt at sakten and explore the unique culture. Explore on the history, culture and the living standard. The village has a school, Basic Health unit and other facilities too. You will have pain to leave the village the next day.

Day 8 ( 24th March 2015 ) Trek to Jyongkhar; (1850 m) 6-7 hours walk.
After the breakfast we will leave the village. The route will mostly downhill along the plain path to the village of Jyonkhar. Do not expect a reception here as most of the people might have left for the festival in Sakten.

Day 9 ( 25th March 2015 ) Trek to Phongmay (1812 m) and then drive to Mon-gar (1600 M) 91 Km drive.
This is the last day of the trek. It passes through the village of Radi. it is also known as the village of rice bowl. Radhi is famous for its woollen textiles. If time permits we will visit Mongar Dzong and make some sight-seeings. The night will be in Thridangbe Farm House or similar.

Day 10 ( 26th March 2015 ) Drive to Bumthang ( 2580 m) 193 Km drive.
After breakfast we will to reach Bumthang. On the way we might find rare hous-es and settlements. The roads are narrow and have to take many turnings. We will be crossing Yongko la and Thrinshing La and then reach Ura village. We will be welcomed by the members of River lodge hotel over a dinner.

Day 11 ( 27th March 2015): Halt in Bumthang; Pilgrimage Tour.
After breakfast we will drive to visit Jakar Dzong, Jambay Lhakhang, Kurjey Lhakhang, Tamshing MonastryThangbi Lhakhang and some historical places where we will find the body prints of Guru Rimpoche and other great saints who were in these places to subdue the demons and bring religion to these places.

Day 12( 28th March 2015): Drive to Wangdue-Phodrang via Trongsa and Pele-la Pass.
After early breakfast we will drive to reach Trongsa. We will visit Trongsa Dzong, Ta Dzong ( museum) and Karma Drubday Nunnery and drive through Chendeje chorten. We will have a tea or coffee in the guest house here and know about the chorten. we will pass through Pelela Pass (3390 m ).Then we will drive to Wangdue Phodrang. The night will be in hotel Kuengaling.

Day 13 ( 29th March 2015); Drive to Thimphu ( 2320 M) 76 Km drive.
A day starts with an early hike to Chhimi Lhakhang. you will receive a blessings of Lama Drukpa Kuenley and you will enjoy the story which your guide will nar-rate to you. Then we will drive to visit Punakha Dzong which was built in-between the two rivers. It is the winter residence of the monastic body and it has been a capital of Bhutan till 1964. The main relic of Bhutan is stored in this Dzong and you will find many buddhist Lhakhangs inside the Dzong. We will also visit Do-ja ga lam Lhakhang and the Hike to Khamsum Yuelley Namgyel Chorten. It is 30 Meter tall chorine and it is dedicated to our 5th king and serves to protect the country.
After Lunch we will drive to Thimphu passing through Dochu la pass. In Do-chula we will have a visit at 108 chorines and Druk Wangyel Lhakhang which were built for the memory of a boarder war in 2005. if the weather is clear we will also see the mountains around the view os a valley of Punakha. We will drive down to reach Thimphu. The night will be in a hotel Phuntsho Pelre or Similar.

Day 14 ( 30th March 2015); Halt in Thimphu, Sight-seeing;
We will start our visit form the memorial Chorten, drive up hill to visit worlds largest sitting Buddha (50 m tall), Chang-Gangkha Lhakhang, Mountain Takin zoo, Zulukha Nunnery, Dechen Phodrang Monastry, Trashi Chhodzong, Na-tional Institude of Traditional medicine, Folk Heritage Museum, National Li-brary, Textile Museum and Zangdo Pelri and the vegetable market.

Day 15 ( 31st March 2015 )
Early morning we will drive to Dodena (19 Km from Thimphu) and climb a hill to visit Chhari Monastry. It has all meditators and we are not suppose to enter the boundary but we can enter the monastery and the lhakhangs and get bless-ings. Then we will drive to Simtokha in the south of Thimphu valley to see the first Dzong built in Bhutan by Zhabdrung Rimpoche.
After the visit we will drive to Paro via Chhudzom where Paro River and Thim-phu River meet at the confluence. This place is also a Junction to the 4 main towns of Bhutan ( Phuntsholing, Haa, Paro and Thimphu). The night will be in hotel in Paro.
Day 16 ( 1st April 2015);
After breakfast we will walk over a traditional bridge ( Nyamai Zam ) and walk to the Dzong where we will see many Bhutanese come to attend the festival in their beautiful festive dressed and ornaments. It is the 2nd day tshechu. The mask dances are performed by the monks of Paro after a week of rituals performance inside the Lhakhang. The mask dance has a story behind which your guide will narrate to you. You will enjoy the dramatisation of life and death. you will also enjoy the culture practiced there and compare with the culture of the Sakten people. The night will be in a Hotel or in a local house.

Day 17( 2nd April 2015); Halt in Paro.
After early Breakfast, we will drive 15 Km towards the north to reach the base of Taktsang Monastry. We will have to hike 2-3 hours to reach the clinging Monas-try in the cliff. This Monastry is the Jewel of Bhutan and one must visit this. This is an important place of pilgrimage. According to legend Padmasambhava ar-rived here on the back of a tigress and meditated there. After going down we will visit the ruins of Drugyel Dzong, Kitchu Lhakhang, Paro Rimpung Dzong and The museum.
We will also look around the town and visit the temples in the town. You will en-joy the beauty of the village.

Day 18( 3rd April 2015), Paro

After breakfast we will cross a traditional bridge ( Nyamai Zam ) and walk to-wards the Dzong to attend the festival. It is the 2nd day tshechu. The mask danc-es are performed by the monks of Paro after a week of rituals performance inside the Lhakhang. The mask dance has a story behind which your guide will narrate to you. You will enjoy the dramatisation of lifes sufferings after death. you will also enjoy the culture practiced there and compare with the culture of the Sakten people. The night will be in a Hotel or in a local house.

Day 19 ( 4th April 2015), Day of Throngdrel ( A big Thanka )

Early morning at around 3:00 am we will drive to the Dzong to witness the chibdrel ceremony for the display of the Guru Rimpoche Throngdrel. The Throngdrel is displayed so that people get blessings and make their path to Nir-vana by seeing the it once. The Throngdrel will be lifted before the sun raises. We will also meet the King and the Queen of Bhutan in this event.
Then we will drive to the hotel for the breakfast and again we will be back in the Dzong to witness the eight magnificent dance of Guru Rimpoche and other dances.

Day 20 ( 3rd April 2015) Depature.

After food we will drive to the Paro International Airport to see you off. We will bid bye bye and wish you a safe Journey and pray for your safe journey home.
Merak Sakten Trekkings:
This is the newest trek introduced in Bhutan.The trek passes through the Sakten wild life sanctuary. An unspoilt and extremely delicate ecosystem that is home to several animals. It is also a home to the isolated Brokpa tribe. The Brokpas are culturally different from the neighbouring tribes and dresses differently. The trek is a complete 7-8 days walk and things will be carried on the horses.

Paro Tshechu / Festival
Tshechu means the 10th day of a month. It is also considered as a day of Guru Rimpoche. This festivals are held in all districts in honour of Guru Rimpoche. It is performed to express the happiness in ancient Buddhist culture.It lasts up to 3-4 days. It also bring big families together and socialise with others. The people preserve and demand new festive dresses and ornaments. The festivals are usual-ly held in the Dzong.
The monks prepare themselves with the performance with prayer and meditation prior to the festival. The monks perform special mask dances that are inspira-tions of enlightened beings. And it is also believed that watching these mystical dances is essential to gain enlightenment. Therefore Paro Tshechu is marked from 10th day of 2nd months of the Bhutanese calendar. On the last day of the Tshechu a large Thanka of Guru Rimpoche is being displayed so that people get blessings from it.
SlNo.No of personCost of the TourNo. of NightsOffers
12 Person$ 9500/- 19 nights and 20days Nil
24 Person$ 19,000 /-19 nights and 20 days Nil
35 Person$ 23,750/- 19 nights and 20 days Visa Free
410 Person$4750019 nights and 20 days Visa Free / Tour leader free trip in Bhutan
515 Person$71250/-19 nights and 20 days Visa Free
Tour leader free trip in Bhutan
Free Airfare from Delhi to Paro.

Accommodation with all meals in 3 star hotels and on trek.
Transportation during the Tour as well as on trek.
Professional guide, driver chauffeur, cooks, waiters.
Mineral water throughout the Trip.
Royalty and taxes
Travel Insurance charges and other emergencies fee.
Cost of foreign exchange for personal expenses;
Expenses of personal nature, personal trekking aids, mini bar in the room,
Laundry, telephone bills, tips, gratuities etc.
First Aids Kids (personal)
Surcharges applicable during Conventions, Special Events and Trade fairs.

Jhomolhari Trek

Jhomolhari Trek (15 days)Starting at Drukgyel Dzong, Paro this trek passes through scattered hamlets and farmland into a deep and richly forested valley, which leads to a high alpine pastureland where yak headers graze their animals. The trek offers a taste of the great variety of Bhutanese landscap

Druk Path Trek

Background of the program Druk Path Trek is a short Trek which is rewarding and challenging. The views are fascinating and exhilarate ones sense, owing to the incredible beauty and majesty of the himalayas. The trek starts from Paro Ta Dzong and ends at Motithang, Thimphu. it is actu-ally 6 day

Gasa Hot Spring

Gasa hot spring trek is very famous among Bhutanese and outsider because of hot spring. As hot spring got very highly medicinal value. People believes taking bath in hot spring can cure disease. Therefore many Bhutanese people prefer to go this trek in autumn once they have harvest their farming. Am

Dagala Thousand Lakes Trekking

It is a 5-day trek near Thimphu, to a large number of lovely high altitude lakes. The Trekking is easy and most trekking days are short but there are some long steep climbs. It starts from Simtokha and end at Genekha. The highest point is 4300 Meters. This is basically a botanical trekking and sp
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