enchanting bhutan

Bhutan is an independent country lies between India and China. It is the buddhist country and also the Gross National Happiness country. Our tour starts with the arrival in Paro. We will hike to Taktsang Monastry and visit Rimpung Dzong and the National Musium. The trek starts the next day. We will first trek to Jhomolhar Base Camp followed by the trek to Lingshi and then trek to Laya and to Gasa where we will attend the Festival. After Gasa we will drive to Punakha and to Thimphu where we will have a good sightseeing. Then we drive to Paro for departure.

Jhomolhari Base Camp
Jhomolhari Base Camp to Bhutan is what the Everest Base Camp in Nepal. It is also a trekking Pilgrimage as we see Lhakhangs and temples on the way. The route follow the beautiful valley and remote valley on the way following the Paro Chhu till we reach Jhomolhari base camp at Jangothang.

Lingshi Trek
Lingshi is one of the remotest village in the north which is rich in the medicinal herbs. The villages so not have electric lights, they use solar energy for the light and other purposes. This Place also has a renown holy places like Bja Goe Dzong ( Where Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyel Mediated for the first time when he came to Bhutan ), Duthroe Tshew Tshay ( a cremation stone plate which flew from Tibet. The other twin of this stone plate is in Budhgaya India ) and Lingshi Dzong which was originally constructed in 1222 by the 3rd Druk Desi. The people here are the mostly the Tibetan refuge.

Laya Trek
Laya is one of the beautiful village amongst the settlements in the north. The vil-lage has a Gompa or Lhakhang surrounded by the school, basic health unit and the administrative centres. Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyel stayed one night in village of Trongra when he came from Tibet. The people are mostly the refuge of the Tibetan. They wear beautiful dress and unique dress made from the yak fur. We can explore more on the culture preserved.

GasaTshechu and Paro Tshechu ( Festivals )
Tshechu are the annual religious festivals held in the 10th day of of the occa-sional month of the bhutanese calendar. There will be performance of mask dance by the monks and few mask dance is performed by the local laymen.The entire community come to witness the religious mask dance, receive blessings and wash away the sins and socialize. They preserve a best festive dress and the ornaments for this occasion and preserve the culture.

Gasa is a remote Dzongkhag or city of Bhutan. It lies at an altitude of 2770 m. It has small town with less scattered houses. Its population is about 3000. The Dzong is known as Tashi Thong-mon Dzong served as a defending barrack in the 17th century. To preserve the culture, to bless and wash away the sin, to educate the citizens with living life and death life, the Dzongkhag au-thority have marked this date (10th day of the 2nd month of the bhutanese calender) as an annual program.
Paro Tshechu
Paro Tshechu starts from 10th day till the 15th day of 2nd month of the Bhutanese calendar. It has a sin washing mask dances and the dramatisation of the life and death performed by the monks to entertain and educate the people.

Lingshi is one of the remotest village in the north which is rich in the medicinal herbs. The villages so not have electric lights, they use solar energy for the light and other purposes. This Place also has a renown holy places like Bja Goe Dzong ( Where Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyel Mediated for the first time when he came to Bhutan ), Duthroe Tshew Tshay ( a cremation stone plate which flew from Tibet. The other twin of this stone plate is in Budhgaya India ) and Lingshi Dzong which was originally constructed in 1222 by the 3rd Druk Desi. The peo-ple here are the mostly the Tibetan refuge.

Laya is one of the beautiful village amongst the settlements in the north. The vil-lage has a Gompa or Lhakhang surrounded by the school, basic health unit and the administrative centres. Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyel stayed one night in village of Trongra when he came from Tibet. The people are mostly the refuge of the Tibetan. They wear beautiful dress and unique dress made from the yak fur. We can explore more on the culture preserved.

Festival Tour: GasaTshechu and Paro Tshechu ( Festivals )
GasaTshechu on 10th day of the 2nd month of the bhutanese moon calendar
Paro Tshechu on 10 till 15th day of 2nd month of the Bhutanese moon calendar.
followed by cultural tours.
Day 1: 21st March 2017: Paro; 2280 m.
Day 2: 22nd March 2017: Paro
Day 3: 23rd March 2017: TREK : Paro to Soi ThangThanka (3575 m)
Day 4; 24th March 2017: Soi ThangThanka (3575 m) to Jangothang ( 4044 m, 17 Km, 4-6 Hours )
Day 5: 25th March 2017: Rest day at Jhomolhari.
Day 6 : 26th March 2017: Jangothang to Lingshi ,4010 m via Nyile La pass (4890 m ).
Day 7: 27th March 2017: Exploration at Lingshi and hike to Chebisa(3990 m )
Day 8 : 28th March 2017: Chebisa to Shumothang (4440 m)
Day 9 :29th March 2017: Shumothang to Robluthang (4160 m)
Day 10 : 30th March 2017: Robluthang (4160 m) to Limithang ( 4140 m)
Day 11: 31st March 2017: Limithang (4140 m) to Laya (3840 m)
Day 12 : 1st April 2017:Laya (3840 m) to Koina ( 3050 m )
Day 13: 2nd April 2017:Koina (3050 m) to Gasa (2770 m )
Day 14 :3rd April 2017: Gasa:Attend 1st day Gasa Tshechu
Day 15 :4th April 2017: Gasa:Attend 2nd day Gasa Tshechu
Day 16 : 5th April 2017: Gasa:Attend 3rd day Gasa Tshechu
Day 17: 6th April 2017: Punakha to Thimphu ( 2320 M) 76 Km )
Day 18: 7th April 2017: Halt in Thimphu, Sight-seeing;
Day 19: 8th April 2017:Thimphu to Paro
Day 20: 9th April 2017: Attend 3rd day Paro Tshechu
Day 21: 10th April 2017: Drive to Paro International Air port for departure.

Day 1: 21st March 2017: Paro; 2280 m.
We will arrive at Paro via Druk Air / Bhutan Airlines.
We will receive you in the airport by offering Trashi Khadhar and drive you to the hotel for the refreshment and for the night.

Day 2: 22nd March 2017: Paro
After early Breakfast, we will drive 15 Km towards the north to reach the base of Taktsang Monastry. We will have to hike 2-3 hours to reach the clinging Monas-tery in the cliff. This Monastery is the Jewel of Bhutan and one must visit this. This is an important place of pilgrimage. According to legend Padmasambhava arrived here on the back of a tigress and meditated there. After going down we will visit the ruins of Drugyel Dzong, Kitchu Lhakhang, Paro Rimpung Dzong and The museum.
We will also look around the town and visit the temples in the town. You will enjoy the beauty of the green park village.

Day 3: 23rd March 2017: TREK : Paro to Soi ThangThanka (3575 m)
After breakfast we will drive to the north following the Paro river via Drugyel Dzong. Now we can drive till Gunitshawa around 15 Km where there is an army camp in the boarder. We will have to get registered and show the permit in the gate due to security reason. Then we will follow the river climbing up and down besides the river to reach Soi-Thangthanka crossing the Shana where usually Tourist camp. Our Lunch will be served here or around.
The camp will be at Soi- Thangthanka.

Day 4; 24th March 2017: Soi ThangThanka (3575 m) to Jangothang ( 4044 m, 17 Km, 4-6 Hours )
After breakfast we will hike through the woods following the river changing the directions. We will cross the army camps, pass via chortens and meadows where we will reach Jhomolhari Base Camp. Before reaching our camp we will pass via a small town crowded by the school, Basic health unit, and staffs of the Animal husbandry and the forests.

Day 5: 25th March 2017: Rest day at Jhomolhari.
A day starts with a hike to the foot of Jhomolhari, visit a twin lake and the lhak-hangs and monasteries nearby.

Day 6 : 26th March 2017: Jangothang to Lingshi ,4010 m via Nyile La pass ( 4890 m ).
It is 5-6 hours Walk and the distance is 21 Km. We find this as hard trek because the trek make us climb up the high Nyile la pass which is 4890 m. The path is all marbles and it is hard to climb. We may also have to pass through the snow too. The climbing up and down brings us to Lingshi where we will camp. As we pass by we will see the army camps and the scattered settlements.

Day 7: 27th March 2017: Exploration at Lingshi and hike to Chebisa(3990 m )
A day starts with visit to the Lingshi Dzong which was built in 1222. Your guide will narrate a story about this. We will hike Gang Yul a beautiful village where we will visit the Bja Goe Dzong ( Where Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyel Mediated for the first time when he came to Bhutan ), Duthroe Tshew Tshay ( a cremation stone plate which flew from Tibet. The other twin of this stone plate is in Budhgaya India ) and a Monastry which is in the deep forest. Some monks come to this places to meditate. We will also know about the houses, people and their living standards. The brokpas here are very rich due to the medicinal herbs. Then we will hike to Chhebisa where we will camp. The people here are the refuge of the tibet. We will see many houses with the wooden roof and solar electricity.

Day 8 : 28th March 2017: Chebisa to Shumothang (4440 m)
It is around 5 hours hike which is around 15 Km. We will cross by a village, Gombu la, Goku la , Dulungang village through a steep and slippery trails.we will camp near the beautiful village of Shumothang.

Day 9 :29th March 2017: Shumothang to Robluthang (4160 m)
Our Journey start to cross 16 km within 7-8 hours. We will climb upward passing via Yarila chhu twice, via Jare la (4750 m ). We can see Kngbum snow peaked mountain to the southeast. We will pass by tsheri Jathang by a river to reach Robluthang where we will camp.

Day 10 : 30th March 2017: Robluthang (4160 m) to Limithang ( 4140 m)
Our hike starts with hike in a forests and up the hill. We will pass by a glacial villey following a stream crossing an icy log bridge at 4470 m. Then we will have a tuff climb to Sinchela (5505 m ) passing a false summit with a cairn. We will pass by another glacial valley and a stream crossing the Kango chhu and reach Limithang where we will be welcomed over a tea by our team.

Day 11: 31st March 2017: Limithang (4140 m) to Laya (3840 m)
It is 4-5 hours walk through the distance of 10 Km. After 20 minutes walk the trail lead us to the river and enters a deep cedar forest crossing several muddy side streams. After crossing a large stream we will descend to the side of a valley. A long walk through the woods and descend to reach Laya valley. We all explore on the people of Layaps and their historical places and their culture.

Day 12 : 1st April 2017:Laya (3840 m) to Koina ( 3050 m )
It is 6-7 hours walk, 19 Km to Koina. The trail descends down to the river passing by a chorine and a stream.The route follows the downstream of Mo chu river passing by an army camp. We will have to register our name in the check point. We will pass via a junction of the Lunana Trek, cantilever bridge where we will be on the side of Koina river and reach Koina at 3300 m.

Day 13: 2nd April 2017:Koina (3050 m) to Gasa (2770 m )
The trail descends down 14 Km,6-7 hours walk through the forests of fir and reach Bari La (3900 m ).As we descend we will see Gasa Dzong on the opposite side of the valley. The trail passes through a chorines and reach Gasa town at 2770 m. The camp will be in the fields or in the woods.We will see many people gathered to witness the Gasa Tshechu. The people are with the charm of the festivals.

Day 14 :3rd April 2017: Gasa:Attend 1st day Gasa Tshechu
We will hike to the Dzong to witness the 1st day Gasa Tshechu. It is very remote festival and no tourist will attend. We will mingle up with the different people and explore on the culture, dresses and ornaments they wear. We will also explore around Gasa town.

Day 15 :4th April 2017: Gasa:Attend 2nd day Gasa Tshechu
We will hike to the Dzong to witness the 2nd day Gasa Tshechu. It is very remote festival and no tourist will attend. We will mingle up with the different people and explore on the culture, dresses and ornaments they wear. We will also explore around Gasa town.

Day 16 : 5th April 2017: Gasa:Attend 3rd day Gasa Tshechu
We will hike to the Dzong to witness the 3rd day Gasa Tshechu. It is very remote festival and no tourist will attend. In the afternoon we will drive to Punakha passing through Goen Damji. If time permits we will walk over a traditional bhutanese bridge to enter the Dzong. t is the winter residence of the monastic body and it has been a capital of Bhutan till 1964. The main relic of Bhutan is stored in this Dzong and you will find many buddhist Lhakhangs inside the Dzong. The Dzong lies in-between the two big rivers ( Pochu river and Mochu river ). We will enjoy the art and the architecture of the Bhutanese.

Day 17: 6th April 2017: Punakha to Thimphu ( 2320 M) 76 Km )
After breakfast we will drive along side the Mochu river to visit Do jaga lam Lhakhang and hike to visit Khamsum Yuellay Namgyel Lhakhang which was built dedicated to our 5th King to serve the nation and protect the country. Then we will visit the town and the lhakhang in the town.
After Lunch we will hike to Chhimi Lhakhang. you will receive a blessings of Lama Drukpa Kuenley and you will enjoy the story which your guide will narrate to you.

After Lunch we will drive to Thimphu passing through Dochu la pass. In Dochula we will have a visit at 108 chortens and Druk Wangyel Lhakhang which were built for the memory of a boarder war in 2005. if the weather is clear we will also see the mountains around and view the valley of Punakha. We will drive down to reach Thimphu. The night will be in a hotel Phuntsho Pelre or Similar.

Day 18: 7th April 2017: Halt in Thimphu, Sight-seeing;
We will start our visit form the memorial Chorten, drive up hill to visit world’s largest sitting Buddha (50 m tall), Chang-Gangkha Lhakhang, Mountain Takin zoo, Zulukha Nunnery, Dechen Phodrang Monastry, Trashi Chhodzong, National Institude of Traditional medicine, Folk Heritage Museum, National Library, Textile Museum and Zangdo Pelri and the vegetable market.

Day 19: 8th April 2017:Thimphu to Paro
Early morning we will drive to Dodena (19 Km from Thimphu) and climb a hill to visit Chhari Monastry. It has all meditators and we are not suppose to enter the boundary but we can enter the monastery and the lhakhangs and get blessings. Then we will drive to Simtokha in the south of Thimphu valley to see the first Dzong built in Bhutan by Zhabdrung Rimpoche.
After the visit we will drive to Paro via Chhudzom where Paro River and Thimphu River meet at the confluence. This place is also a Junction to the 4 main towns of Bhutan ( Phuntsholing, Haa, Paro and Thimphu). The night will be in hotel in Paro.

Day 20: 9th April 2017: Attend 3rd day Paro Tshechu
After breakfast we willhike towards Paro Dzong. Today we will find a big differ-ence in of the festival in Gasa and the festival of Paro. The culture, the presence of the people and its cultureand many more. we will explore and get to know more.

Day 21: 10th April 2017: Drive to Paro International Air port for departure.
After breakfast we will drive to the Paro International air port and bid farewell to have a safe journey back to your home.

Total time: 20 nights and 21 days
Accommodation: Hotel and Camp and Home-stay
Dates: 21st March 2017 till 20th April 2017
Price: $ 5000/- ( US $ Five Thousand Only for one person )

Essence of Bhutan

A tiny country Located at the edge of mighty great Himalayan range, Druk Yul(The land of thunder dragon)- the kingdom of Bhutan, is one of the world's famous travel destinations. Often referred as the last Shangri-la by visitors. This small country holds a remarkable variety of climate and ecosystem

Eastern Bhutan

This tour is especially designed for mainly very enthusiastic traveler with Bhutanese culture and the travelers with longer holiday, who have a desire to explore untouchable Bhutanese cultures. This tour begins from the open valley from the west, through central Bhutan and ends in the rugged east.


East to west Tour: Bhutan is an independent country lies between India and China. It is the buddhist country and also the Gross National Happiness country. Our tour in Bhutan starts extremely from east (Samdrup Jongkhar) and ends in the west ( Paro). Chorten Kora: Chorten Kora was built in 17


A wonder of Bhutan includes Taktsang Monastry, Buddha Dordenma, Punakha Dzong and Trongsa Dzong which will take 10 nights and 11 days. TAKTSANG PALPHUG MONASTERY / TIGERS NEST This monastry is in the record of Buddhistic world which is the himalayan Buddhist sacred site and temple hanging 3120 m


Shaman Festival This festival is happening every after 3 years in the village of Shaa; Wangduephodrang. In this festival a man from every house hold has to represent as a Pazap (warrior) and a young girl from each house hold has to contest for the beauty of the village. The shaman and Pazaps will

Sakteng Wildlife Sanctuary Trekkings, Cultural Tour and Paro Tshechu

Sakteng Wildlife Santuary Trekkings: This is the National Park covering 650 sq. km located in the eastern part of the country. It was protected since 2003 and presents a wide diversity of Hi-malayan terrestrial ecosystems, namely alpine meadow, temperate forest, and warm broadleaf forest. Isolate

Jambay Lhakhang Drub and Prakhar Festival.

Bhutan is the Himalayan kingdom replete with myths and legends, where the best of traditional culture thrives and the latest global developments are enthusiastically embraced. Our tour starts from the west Bhutan, Paro and ends at the same. We will make a cultural tour in the west and attend the a

KING’S BIRTH DAY in the east and PUNAKHA DOMCHEN in the west.

King’s Birth day celebration at Trashigang The present 5th King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuk was born in 21st February 1980. He is the eldest son of 4th King Jigme Singye Wangchuck born to Ashi Tshering Yangden Wangchuck. He became the King of Bhutan on 9th December 2008. The birth day was marke